
Principal Contact:

Jonathan Rekker, Secretary to the Editorial Board

The EIRJ is an online published open access journal. The EIRJ only accepts submissions of articles and case notes via our online platform. Submissions via other routes (e.g. via e-mail) will not be considered. Detailed instructions for uploading your manuscript online can be found in the online Submissions portal. All authors are asked to create an account in our online platform in order to submit a manuscript and to correspond with the Board of Editors. Please note that all correspondence between the Editor and the Author regarding the editorial process takes place exclusively via our online platform. No correspondence regarding the editorial process (submitting, reviewing, proof checking, publication) will be entered into via e-mail. However, should there be any other questions, or any difficulties in creating an author account and/or in corresponding via our online platform, please feel free to contact the Board of Editors via our e-mail address.